COVID-19 Vaccine Facts

作为全球网赌十大网站持续努力的一部分教育全球网赌十大网站的校园社区接种疫苗, 全球网赌十大网站想分享以下关于已表达的担忧的信息. 关于COVID-19有许多神话和许多错误信息,这对疫苗的接受提出了挑战.

View the latest information and frequently asked questions on COVID-19 vaccination boosters


事实: It can be difficult to know which sources of information you can trust. Learn more about finding credible vaccine information. We hope you will seek verifiable guidance from .org或 .gov websites and research articles in peer-reviewed publications.

CONCERN: 的 vaccine was developed too quickly.

事实: 辉瑞/BioNTech和Moderna疫苗的开发方法和平台已经存在了20多年. Although this happened in record time, 它们和其他疫苗一样经过了食品和药物管理局严格的程序, carefully meeting all safety standards. 的 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 其他专家也比平时更快地审查了临床试验的数据,他们在数据出来的时候就看,而不是等到试验完成. 研究人员使用了与以前疫苗相同的安全性和有效性标准. COVID-19疫苗的临床试验和安全性审查实际上与近年来开发的其他疫苗花费的时间大致相同.

No safety protocols were changed or skipped. Multiple studies continue across the United States, including one at Wake Forest Baptist in Winston-Salem, N.C.

的 authorized vaccines have proven very safe and effective. 全球网赌十大网站感谢那些在较短时间内参与研制疫苗的前所未有的全球合作和投资的人.

COVID-19的广泛性和传染性使研究人员能够很快确定疫苗确实非常安全,并且在预防疾病方面非常有效, including many of the variants.

CONCERN: 的 COVID-19 vaccine enters your cells and changes your DNA

事实: 现有的COVID-19疫苗旨在帮助人体免疫系统对抗冠状病毒. 来自前两种COVID-19疫苗的信使RNA确实进入细胞, but not the nucleus of the cells where DNA resides. mRNA的作用是使细胞产生蛋白质来刺激免疫系统, and then it quickly breaks down without affecting a person’s DNA, and is excreted from the body.

新型冠状病毒疫苗背后的mRNA技术已经开发了近20年. 从那时起,疫苗制造商创造了一种技术,帮助对一种新的大流行疾病做出快速反应, such as COVID-19.


事实: FDA批准的前两种COVID-19疫苗含有mRNA和其他, normal vaccine ingredients, such as fats (which protect the mRNA), 盐, as well as a small amount of sugar. 这些COVID-19疫苗不是使用任何流产的胎儿组织开发的. Furthermore, contrary to social media and various other sites, the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain material, such as implants, microchips or tracking devices.

CONCERN: 的 COVID-19 vaccine can affect women’s fertility.

事实: 的 American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, John Hopkins Medicine (JHM), and numerous other evidence-based research entities state that the COVID-19 vaccine will not affect fertility. 根据JHM的说法,“COVID-19疫苗鼓励身体产生冠状病毒表面发现的刺突蛋白的副本. 这“教导”身体的免疫系统对抗带有特定刺突蛋白的病毒.”

的 false report said “接种COVID-19疫苗会导致女性身体对抗这种不同的刺突蛋白,并影响她的生育能力. 的 two spike proteins are completely different and distinct, 接种COVID-19疫苗不会影响寻求怀孕的妇女的生育能力, including through in vitro fertilization methods. During the Pfizer vaccine tests, 23 women volunteers involved in the study became pregnant, 唯一一个怀孕失败的人没有接种真正的疫苗, but a placebo.”

请记住,感染COVID-19可能会对怀孕和母亲的健康产生潜在的严重影响. 强烈建议与您的女性保健提供者讨论您可能对该主题有其他问题.


事实: 的 COVID-19 vaccine can have some minor side effects, but the vast majority are very short term —not serious or dangerous. 的 vaccine developers report that some people experience sore arm like any other shot; body aches; headaches or fever, lasting for a few hours but typically disappear the following day. 这些迹象表明疫苗正在刺激你的免疫系统. 虽然很罕见,但如果症状持续超过两天,你应该打电话给医生.

Based on current data provided on reputable websites 99%接种辉瑞疫苗的人在接种后没有出现不良反应. If you have serious allergies or complex health concerns, you should discuss receiving the vaccine with your doctor.

的 vaccine for COVID-19 cannot and will not give you COVID-19. 这种疫苗会指示你的细胞复制一种蛋白质,这种蛋白质是SARS-CoV-2冠状病毒的一部分. 这将有助于你的身体识别和对抗病毒,如果它来了. 的 COVID-19 vaccine does not contain the SARS-Co-2 virus, so you cannot get COVID-19 from the vaccine. 帮助免疫系统识别和对抗病毒的蛋白质不会引起任何感染.

CONCERN: Vaccine hesitancy due to centuries of having trust violated

事实: Historically Black, 拉美裔, 美洲原住民和其他人口群体在不知情的情况下被用作测试对象,或者因为他们的种族或民族而被拒绝治疗. Vaccine hesitancy from these groups is certainly understandable. Unfortunately, underlying health conditions, 获得护理和其他问题使这些群体罹患COVID-19的风险更大, experiencing a severe case of the disease and higher rates of morbidity. Vaccine studies and testing included persons of color, those with complex health issues and frontline and healthcare workers.

CONCERN: Quarantining protocols following vaccination completion.

事实: 完成COVID-19疫苗接种的个人在接触COVID-19感染者时不必隔离. In addition, 接种疫苗的个人可以乘坐公共交通工具旅行,而不必在回家时进行隔离. 接种疫苗的人可以在不戴口罩的情况下以较小的群体聚集在一起, visit each other in rooms and apartments and enjoy dinners together.

然而, 在更多的人接种疫苗之前,全球网赌十大网站仍然需要采取预防感染的措施. 的se include practicing the 3 W’s at all times. Wear your mask in presence of others, 与家庭外的人保持至少6英尺的距离,经常洗手. Learn more about the benefits of being fully vaccinated.
